Friday, July 29, 2011

The Racer...

Note: Some of the material in this story that I wrote might be one of those things that would be impossible to happen.  In other words, it's obviously fiction.
“Hurry it up!  I need to get to the race!" shouted Alex angrily as the crew members quickly worked on his race car, trying hard to get it going again.  That morning, Alex’s car had worked fine when he had checked it over.  But now, for some reason the engine wouldn’t start. Finally, 20 minutes after Alex’s scheduled leaving time, the crew members got the car fixed and sent him on his way.
 As he was driving, he thought that the race that he was to race that day had probably already started, since he had left so late.  As he pulled into the racing park he drove for the garage.  Another crew checked over his car and sent him to the track. As he approached the race entrance he thought for sure the race had started, for there was no gate man to open the gate. So he entered the track himself and drove onto the track to see his fellow racers speeding 3 laps ahead of him.  Alex’s foot hit the gas like a brick and his tires peeled out, sending black smoke everywhere.  The crowd roared as Alex pushed his speed to 77mph in less than three seconds, and to 124mph in less than six seconds.  It was the fastest that car had ever gone, as he climbed to 130mph.
It was several minutes before he caught up with the group. Now he had to pass the head racer---3times.  Maneuvering in and out from behind and in front of cars, he finally passed all the cars.  He was so determined to win that once he purposely wrecked someone that he wasn’t able to pass.
Finally, 30 min later, Alex passed the last car for the third time, and 4 laps later, he past the finish line in 1st place.  He had won!
As he drove a victory drive on the track, he saw a van entering the track with the words “news 9” on the side of it. He immediately drove over to the van, hoping that he could get an interview.  As he got out of his car, the news team was getting out the video equipment. Alex proudly climbed out of his car and introduced himself, thinking of himself on the news.  Sure enough, the interview started and Alex tried to think of the best words to describe his win.  “An amazing racer in an amazing race”, were his words.
As he lay in bed that night, he thought of ways to make his talent known.  The next morning, he got the email addresses to all the other racers, and sent an email to them telling them of what a good racer he was and how that they weren’t good enough to beat him in a race.
Alex never had believed in God, but later that day when he was walking down the street a man stopped him and handed him a little paper booklet, and told him it was a tract, and kept on walking.  “What is a tract?” Alex wondered.  The picture on the front looked kind of interesting so he sat down on a bench and started reading.  In a minute he was done reading it.  On the last page there was another paragraph entitled, “How to become a christian.”  “Oh I’ve heard this junk before”, he mumbled to himself as he stuffed the tract into his wallet, to dispose of later. 
Alex raced twice a week for several more weeks, winning every race except for one, where he had a blowout ½ lap from the finish line with his opponents close behind him.  But even then he got 4th place.
Before long, Alex was big news.  His name was in all the papers, in all the news stories, and he was making a lot of money.
One day when he was in a bar, he opened his wallet to pay the bar tender and the tract fell out onto the ground. He bent down, picked it up and looked at it.  He wondered about the words in the back, if they were true, if he was really a sinner, and if he really needed to repent and ask Jesus into his heart.  But he just dropped the subject with himself and drove home, having drunk several pints.
As he drove, he started falling asleep, but the loud horn of a semi-truck awoke him.  He looked up to see the grill and lights of a huge semi-truck rushing towards him.  He swerved quickly to the right just in time as panic as adrenaline rushed through him.  He had come that close to instant death.  All because he did what he knew was wrong.  That night, as Alex was getting ready for bed, the tract fell out of his wallet again.  He wondered if God was trying to tell him that he needed to repent.  He looked at the back page of the tract and it told him just how to become a christian.  He thought about it one more time before he prayed to God.  Was he doing the right thing?  But since he wanted to change his life so badly, he went ahead and asked God for his forgiveness.  So Alex went to sleep that night having peace of mind about the change in his life.  He had no idea that something that was going to happen the next morning would change his life even more.
Alex woke up the next morning having slept well.  He was ready to see what it was like to race like a christian.  That morning he left on time and there was a gate man waiting for him. 
Three laps into the race Alex was doing very well.  He was in 2nd place about to pass the car in front of him.  So when he did, he promised God that he wasn’t going to be prideful about his victories any more.  Now, there were 5 laps to go, with Alex ten seconds ahead of the 2nd place man.  On the last lap, his heart leaped for joy as he crossed the finish line in first place.  He had won his last race.  But Alex didn’t know it was his last race.  As he was telling his salvation story to the news team, someone up in the stands fired a bullet from a rifle right into Alex’s brain, sending him right to Jesus’ presence.  He was quickly rushed to emergency room, but there was nothing they could do.  Alex died in his life for the Lord.  His killer was found that evening and sentenced to 60 years in prison.
Based on a true story (from my mind).


  1. Good story Shiloh!
    We had a fun time with your parents yesterday. ;)
    We miss you,
