Saturday, May 2, 2009


Today, Me and my family had a experience that we will never ever forget! We were driving around looking at houses on property and a realtor told us about a peice of land that was 10+ acres. But it didn't have a house on it. So we decided to go drive by it. Nobody lived there at the time so we decided that we would drive-in and look at the back property-something we should'nt have done. It had rained for three days in a row so it was pretty slick for a heavy 2-wheel drive. So we got there and pulled in and went back to the property. We got back there and looked around then got back into the vehicle and tryed to pull out.
The smell was like a broken belt on a vacuum cleaner if you know what I mean, and the look was like your rubber boots when you step in a big mud hole. We were stuck. After about an hour of pushing and pulling and hushing and hulling we decided that it was time to go for help. So Me Dad and Isaac started walking down the gunky road. We came to a house where the owner was standing outside. We told him what happend and he offered to pull us out with his tractor. So he brought it down to where we were and pulled us out. I was so glad!

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