Thursday, September 1, 2011


Well I guess I'm not really doing very good with the "picture of the week" thing, am I?  But I do have an excuse of the week.  Here it is.   I just got started on it, so I'll do better. 
Here's the picture...

And the random thought...Ross is NOT a prius person.  You'd have to see the "thing" he drives to understand!
Well, we've be getting ready for September camp tomorrow through Monday.  We've been making bread, cookies, cupcakes, things like that to have for snacks at camp.  The meals are provided so we don't have to bring food.  I'm excited. 


  1. No Ross doesn't fit this car...seem like he is more of a horse person ;- )

  2. Haha:) that made me laugh

    Looking forward to seeing you all at camp!
