Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Kids

We didn't get to see the birth of this doeling, but Meredith
was the first one to see it(what's new?). She was standing
by the window looking out when she YELLED, "the baby
goats are born!!". Faster than greased lighting,(I like
using that phrase-"faster than greased lighting")everybody
tried to get out of the house at the same time. Then
almost as fast as greased lighting everybody was trying to
hold the goat at the same time. Then, a few hours later...
another one!
Below is another goat story that we experienced
on the 19th of January.

She seems huge for one kid, but that's all that she had!
She pushed and pushed for three hours before the feet
finally came out. Then she couldn't get the head out!
We were worried that the umbilical cord would break
from all the struggling and it would die before it could
get air.
My mom and Meredith tried to pull it the rest
of the way out but they couldn't. I was taking pictures
while they were pulling so I gave the camera to someone
and started trying to pull it out. If I must say so myself,
for a first time goat delivery, I took care of it pretty smooth
(not to brag or anything). I pulled and tugged. And finally,
everything just happened at once! The little buckling slipped
right out into my hands and started being a goat(maaaaing
and maaaaing some more).That was an experience that I will
never forget! It made my day for sure!

It's almost time!...

Might as well finish eating while you wait...

Crying out in pain...

A couple hours later... the feet!

Let's try out those wobbly legs...

Licking him clean...


And now the best part!


  1. cute! This makes me miss having kids this year. :( Do you have them named yet?


  2. The black and brown doeling with the star on it's forehead is named Leah, and the brown buckling with black trim is Luke. Seriously!

  3. Ok, so you don't name one after me????Just kidding. Very cute kids...makes me kind of miss having goats.:)


  4. That's funny!

    Miss you guys...come for a visit anytime! :)

