Saturday, June 11, 2011

Would you mind?

Hey everybody,
You see the voting thingy whopper over to the left on the side bar?  If you have already voted, would you please leave a comment on any post telling what you voted for?  Or if you vote sometime in the near future, would you please leave a comment telling me then?  Or if you haven't voted yet, go ahead!  I just get curious!  Thanks


  1. Camp with reading coming close in second, but... it needs to be very nice out and an rv and a boat would be nice.

  2. I voted! :) Hunting! Gotta love it!!

  3. Hey Shiloh,
    Looks like Luke already voted and the pole won't let us vote twice, so I thought I'd leave a comment and say what I would choose. Can you guess?'s reading. :P

  4. I voted for reading, but I like hiking too. :)

  5. We had a hard decision between hunting, camping & reading, but finally chose camping.
