Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Stinky Experience...

A few days ago, we were all in the living room watching a family movie together eating caramel popcorn when someone(I can't remember who), announced that they smelled something burning. It kind of smelled like plastic burning in the dishwasher. So we paused the movie and investigated. Isaac went to check if there was something burning in the dishwasher, but there wasn't. So we kind of just shook it off and resumed the movie.
Well, a couple of minutes passed, and someone again announced that they smelled something burning. So we paused the movie again. My dad looked in the oven and pulled out a piece of crisped caramel popcorn and said that this was the problem. So we again resumed the movie.
Another couple of minutes passed and the smell was still in the air. So this time everyone got up and started searching the rooms for the source. Isaac checked my mom and dad's room and found a plugged in heat lamp that we'd been using for a goat kid we got a few days ago, face down on the carpet with smoke billowing from all sides. Once I heard, I ran and ran and ran all the way across our single wide to see all the action. There was a big, burnt hole right in the middle of my mom and dad's floor, from the heat lamp. Even worse, I've never seen so many particles of smoke in one room! I think I counted 769,534,999,109,624,648,772, give or take a few. So my dad got the fire extinguisher. He used the whole can too! No, I'm just kidding about the fire extinguisher part.
So now, we have added another to the many stains that we have on our carpet. Actually, this one's not a stain-it's a burn. But that's even better-it's another category! The culprit is unknown, but we have a mighty good idea, the only person that would have sense enough to do a thing like that--------MADDY!
But anyways, at least we're not proud of our carpet. We never were-except for the first week or so that we had it. If you've ever come to our house and thought that the carpet didn't look to bad for 9 people living on it, then that's because we used a carpet machine on it the day before. I would prove it for you with some pictures, but for the pride of the Smith family, I won't.
A non-fiction fact: In the 1 1/2 years that we've lived in this house, we used the carpet machine 4 times.
In the picture above, it's the wood, under the carpet and the carpet pad. You can only imagine what the carpet looked like!

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