Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The farm...

His hens.

We have two roosters...one tip, unless you want to waist
4 bullets then don't try to kill a rooster with a 22. I speak
from experience!

The Boer goats

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the football.=-(

Leah with her mother.

I was lucky to get this picture of leah, as they are a bit skittish.

This is what Luke loves best, standing on his mothers back.

This picture isn't the best because it's in the barn, where
the lighting is not good at all.

This is where Bob spends most of his time, in the hay.

Stella has about 3 months left before she will have her
calf. She doesn't look very big in the picture but if you
are standing up next to her she really "stands out"!

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