Thursday, February 3, 2011

Amazing Weather Change!

Here are some pictures of the 29th of January, when it
was 70 degrees outside, then 3 days later, on the 1st of
February, a blizzard! It wasn't a very bad one though.
Yesterday, we(Isaac, Braiden, Jude and I)had a snowball
fight. Luckily, nobody got hurt(aside from a couple of
"accidental" face shots). No serious injuries though With
Braiden and Jude playing, someone usually gets hurt
every time! I was thinking yesterday, people sometimes
have their friends over to play video games, or have a
sleep-over or something like that, which I have nothing
against, but I wonder why you don't hear about snowball
fight invite? In my opinion, a snowball fight would be
much more fun than a sleep-over in which 8-10 hours of
it is spent staring into darkness(sleeping). Maybe it's
because people don't like getting out into the weather
just to get bombarded right in the face with an unforgiving,
cold, round, white, powdery, fast moving ball. I didn't get
any pictures of the snowball fight because I was taking

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