Saturday, January 22, 2011

Millie's Birthday...

It has been the tradition in the Smith family to give the children a cupcake at the time of their first birthday. This year on the 21st of January, Millie was given her cupcake. She looked at it like it was some kind of thing that you play with, but eventually she found out that it was a cupcake. She didn't make a huge mess with it like all of us other kids did though. Kind of nice seeing that it was my turn to clean the kitchen! Here are some pictures of her eating it.

I'm waiting patiently...

She's getting sung to...(I don't think that she
is paying much attention to the singing

Could we please hurry up?!

We were trying to get her to blow it out(Or
as a baby would do it most of the time, spit

"Unwrapping" the cupcake...

Here we go!...

Breaking it in a little...

So good!...

Finishing up

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Millie! Can't believe she is 1 year old already...the pictures of her are really cute. :)

