Friday, December 24, 2010


Hi everybody!
It's been a while! We are in the vehicle on our way to NM for Christmas right now. Luckily, it's ONLY 6 hours. With our family it's about 7 hours. I know that's nothing compared to what some of you have traveled. Actually, we entered TX about 52 seconds ago! It was kind of a magic moment(even though there is no such thing). I'm joking-about the magic moment. Let me know if I sound like a knuckle-head. Anyways, once we get back from our trip I will post something that you might think is interesting.........I might ask you how your Christmas was or what you did or I might even tell you how our Christmas was or what we did. Sound exciting?! I thought so too. But I thought I would just give you something to hold you off until then. Here are two pictures that I just took to go with it. As you an see, our "busurban" as we like to call it is no longer big enough for us. So Isaac is having to sit in the very back-where the luggage goes! Braiden, Maddy and Jude are asleep and Meredith and I are just simply waiting to get there-we often do that on long trips. After all, when your driving through Texas and New Mexico it's like driving over a paper bag. A little hill here, a tiny hill there, and the road and sky goes all the way through. I guess there's no sky or roads on a paper bag but anyways.

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