Friday, August 6, 2010

Bread Baking

Today, we decided to have a “bread baking day”. The very thought of it sounded fun--and it was! But there were a few mishaps-blemishes-problems-or whatever you want to call it.

So, first we do what comes natural-get the recipes. Then, we started making the bread. Meredith would make a few loaves of regular bread, I would make the pita bread, and my mom will make a couple of loaves with a mixture of meat, cheese, bell peppers, and onions in the middle of it--which was super good! Now we're in the kitchen doing our thing, right? We baked Meredith's three loaves, then the pita and the cheesy meat bread will be baked at the same time. We felt things were going pretty well and started to clean up our mess while Meredith's bread was baking. You know how it is when making bread--before you know it, you here BEEEP! BEEEP! BEEEP! Once the timer goes off, you are so excited to take a look at your masterpiece that you forget about everything else. So, Meredith goes over to the oven and takes a look inside. Wow! They look perfect, so out they come! Just then I walk in and Meredith asks me if I think that they are done. "Maybe" was my answer. She goes over to my mom who is sitting on the couch in the living room with the baby to ask her. "UMMMM", was her answer. By this time Meredith was back to the kitchen with the loaf of bread and my mom says to look at the bottom of it to see if it is brown. So she does and brings it back to mom for her to take a look. Can you believe how long it takes us to see if a loaf of bread is done!? Meredith lifts the pan up so mom can look at the bottom of the pan. Meredith, who is now standing above the baby, is holding the pan with a slippery towel. My mom says, “Don't drop the hot pan on the baby!” At that very moment the pan slips out of her hand and lands in the arms of the baby. This is the point in time where my mom's reflexes come into play. Faster than greased lightning, she scoops up the hot pan (with the un-done bread in it I might say), does the hot potato dance for a split second then throws it to the floor. The baby is OK--but the bread--well, I suppose you could say it was dead. Into sixteen sections, the bread goes, and Meredith is on her knees picking up dead bread, with the baby sitting there grinning. The bread that was alive will be very good, I'm sure but for the bread that was dead-R.I.P. In case you "didn't know" in the 4th and 5th picture is the dead bread. Warning: Don't do this at your home-only ours!

1 comment:

  1. That's funny! We'll be sure to come to your house anytime we want to make half-baked bread :) We miss you guys.

    The Kientz's

    P.S. I'm not sure what happened to the first part of the story, but it looks like the text is black.
